
Dynamic IDX solution simplifies Texas real estate search by seamlessly integrating MLS listings

EUGENE, OR - February 3, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to announce Hilltops Lake, Texas real estate broker Cathy Lagravier has opted to enable a custom IDX solution on her website. Home seekers can now experience an online property search like never before available, thanks to the partnership between IDX and the Bryan-College Station MLS (BCSMLS). Thousands of detailed property listings are now synced to Lagravier's search page, giving potential buyers a comprehensive database of homes to search, without ever leaving the website Lagravier hosts. The convenient and easy-to-use IDX-enabled website of Lagravier has forever changed the Hilltops Lake home search.


HOUSTON, TX - February 1, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) will join the Houston Housing Authority as they roll out the welcome mat for more than 100 low-income families at 2:30 p.m. CT on Tuesday, February 1, at Kennedy Place, 3100 Gillespie, Houston Texas 77020. Kennedy Place is celebrating its grand opening week after being rebuilt with federal funding from the Stimulus Act, which has created thousands of jobs throughout the country while stimulating local economies, including Houston’s

Investment opportunities now synced with Texas real estate website, thanks to IDX Broker softwareInvestment...

EUGENE, OR - February 1, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- El Paso, Texas home seekers can now experience an online property search like never before, on the joint venture between IDX, Inc. and real estate broker David Karam. Now, Karam hosts his own customized IDX solution, giving his website a unique and specialized search capability. Thousands of El Paso MLS (EPMLS) listings are now synced to his website, allowing potential buyers to search through a complete database of local El Paso properties. With all of the unique capabilities Karam hosts on his website, his search page is the best place for El Paso home seekers to begin their property search process.

State housing agency, regional nonprofit helping area low income tenants secure decent housing

AUSTIN, TX - January 20, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) today announced a major funding award to a regional nonprofit organization to assist eligible low income residents of four communities in Coryell, Gregg, and Henderson counties obtain safe, decent rental housing, helping set them on the path toward self-sufficiency.TDHCA awarded $220,464 in rental assistance funds to Affordable Caring Housing, Inc., a nonprofit housing organization headquartered in College Station. The organization will use the funds to help a total of 20 low-income households living in the cities of Athens, Copperas Cove, Gatesville, and Kilgore secure housing and meet their monthly rent payments

Atrium Realty Group displays IDX enabled search tools on its revolutionary real estate search...

EUGENE, OR - January 18, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Texas broker Michael Yarrito has teamed up with IDX, Inc. to pair his knowledge of the Dallas-Fort Worth real estate market with the dynamic IDX Broker software. Yarrito now hosts a complete and thorough online real estate search courtesy of his IDX solution. By adding the IDX technology, Yarrito displays thousands of North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS) listings directly on his website, giving home seekers more options than ever before to search for a property online

State housing agency making $45 million available through innovative first time homebuyer program

AUSTIN, TX - January 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) this week released $45 million in mortgage credit certificate authority through its Texas Mortgage Credit Program, an innovative homebuyer program that makes homeownership more affordable by providing a dollar for dollar reduction of a borrower’s tax liability, not to exceed $2,000 annually.The credit authority will allow the Department to provide tax credits on approximately $150 million worth of mortgage loans, which it estimates will help approximately 1,000 eligible households purchase a home of their own once they complete a certified homebuyer education class.

Foreclosed homes available online through dynamic IDX enabled Texas search page and agent Abe...

EUGENE, OR - January 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Dallas-Fort Worth real estate agent Abe Issa has partnered with IDX, Inc. to bring a revolutionary real estate website to home seekers around Texas. Now, IDX Broker syncs with the website Issa hosts to display thousands of North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS) on the search page Issa employs. The online property search has never been easier or simpler than it currently is for potential buyers who chose to utilize the IDX enabled website of Issa.

Family Business makes decision to sync North Texas MLS listings with real estate website

EUGENE, OR - January 6, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Robert English and IDX, Inc. have teamed up to simplify the real estate website English hosts, with the dynamic IDX Broker software. By creating an easy-to-use search page, English can give his clients and other Arlington, Texas home seekers the thorough online property search experience they deserve. Syncing North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS) listings with the search results page English supports, means thousands of detailed NTREIS listings are instantly available to potential buyers. The once complicated and stressful online home search is now simple and effective, thanks to the IDX enabled website of English

Tribute Resort Community Reports More than 100% Year-Over-Year Increase in Lot Sales to Cap...

THE COLONY, TX - December 21, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Matthews Southwest, one of the region’s most progressive developers, today announces a projected more than 100% year-over-year increase in residential lot sales at The Tribute Resort Community on the shores of Lewisville Lake.

USAA Real Estate Company Obtains LEED EB GOLD Certification For The Colonnade Centre In...

December 3, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- USAA Real Estate Company is pleased to announce that the Colonnade Centre, a multi-tenant, class A, office building located in San Antonio, Texas has earned a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design for Existing Buildings (LEED EBOM) certification from the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) at the GOLD level.

IDX solution transforms Dallas real estate website for agent Becca Powell and her clients

EUGENE, OR - December 1, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX Broker software has been enabled on the website of Realtor Becca Powell, bringing thousands of North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS) listings to her clients and home seekers in Dallas, Texas. With the immensely thorough IDX solution she is now employing, Powell can deliver her clients with a quick and easy online real estate search. Never before has such a simple process been available to potential buyers who are utilizing a real estate website to begin their home search.

IDX solution makes online property search simple and effective on real estate website of...

EUGENE, OR - November 23, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today, IDX, Inc. welcomes Argelia Barba to the growing group of real estate professionals updating their websites with IDX Broker software. Now, the revolutionary IDX solution is updated to meet every real estate need of Barba. Her website is synced to the El Paso MLS (EPMLS) giving her the ability to display thousands of El Paso area property listings with an unprecedented ease and speed. The listings even update themselves automatically, making the EPMLS on the search page of Barba the most up-to-date property listings available online

Advanced search capabilities highlight the functionality of IDX enabled website of Jim Striegel

EUGENE, OR - November 23, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. welcomes Dallas, Texas real estate agent Jim Striegel to the growing network of real estate professionals adopting the innovative and customizable IDX Broker software for their websites. The personalized IDX solution Striegel now employs syncs his website with North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS), bringing thousands of detailed property listings to the fingertips of potential buyers around the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The revolutionary website Striegel now hosts has forever simplified the online property search.

Smith Announces Funding for Comal County Flood Prevention

Washington, DC - November 17, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Congressman Lamar Smith announced today that Comal County has been awarded a federal grant of over $10 million to help to reduce flood levels of Dry Comal Creek in southern Comal County, Texas.

IDX solution makes East Texas home search easy, on the website of agent Misty...

EUGENE, OR - November 17, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Tyler MLS (GTARMLS) listings just became easier to search through on the newly upgraded real estate website of agent Misty Reynolds. IDX, Inc. has enabled IDX Broker software on the website of Reynolds in an effort to bring thousands of listings to the fingertips of her clients and home seekers utilizing her website throughout their online property search. With her customizable IDX solution Reynolds can offer potential buyers around Tyler, Texas a unique and thorough home search on her website.

Advanced search capabilities revolutionize IDX enabled real estate website

EUGENE, OR - November 11, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. has synced real estate agent Valarie Littles with a customized IDX solution. Now, her website seamlessly integrates North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS) property listings onto her website, giving her clients a unique and comprehensive database of detailed home listings to search through. By adding IDX Broker software, Littles has revolutionized the online property search for both herself and her clients. Home seekers can now experience an online search like never before available to potential buyers through a real estate website. Littles has done herself and all Plano, Texas home seekers a favor by upgrading her professional site.

Major Recovery Act Weatherization Milestone for Texas

Washington, D.C. - November 10, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28), along with U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, announced today that Texas has reached a significant milestone under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – completing weatherization work for more than 30 percent of the homes the state had planned to weatherize

Principal Management Group of Houston Adds Seven New Properties to its Client Portfolio

Houston, TX - November 4, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Principal Management Group of Houston, an Associa company, is pleased to announce the addition of seven new properties to its client portfolio.

Thousands of Dallas-Fort Worth properties displayed on IDX enabled website of Mark Sanchez

EUGENE, OR - October 21, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS) listings are now seamlessly displayed for Dallas, Texas home seekers, on the website of Mark Sanchez. IDX, Inc. and Sanchez have joined forces to simplify the online property search, by syncing a customizable IDX solution directly to the search page of Sanchez. Now, thousands of detailed property listings are available around the clock for potential buyers to search through and examine. Never before has such a revolutionary real estate technology been so accessible to area home seekers.

USAA Real Estate Company Announces Sale of Boardwalk at Town Center – The Woodlands,...

October 20, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- USAA Real Estate Company announced the sale of Boardwalk at Town Center in The Woodlands, Texas to MEPT, a $4.0 billion real estate equity fund which was advised by its real estate advisor, Kennedy Associates. Will Balthrope and Ryan Epstein with the Balthrope Group of Institutional Property Advisors, a Marcus & Millichap Company, represented USAA in the transaction. Details of the purchase and sale agreement have not been disclosed.


Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof in Sugar Land

Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof in Sugar Land?

If you've noticed water stains, missing shingles, or a leaky ceiling, you might wonder whether repairs will suffice or if a full roof replacement is necessary. This guide will help homeowners in Sugar Land determine