Laredo real estate resource utilizes IDX Broker to simplify property search for potential Texas...
EUGENE, OR - May 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to announce Matt Gibson has become the latest real estate professional to join the growing network of agents and brokers who have employed the dynamic IDX Broker software. Gibson now makes the Laredo, Texas property search monumentally simpler for area home seekers. As a member of the Laredo MLS (LBRMLS), Gibson has long had access to thousands of detailed property listings. Now, Gibson gives his clients and other potential buyers unprecedented accessibility to the LBRMLS database of homes. Never before have buyers been able to experience such innovative real estate search tools from the convenience of the website of Gibson, or the IDX Broker application for iPhone and iPad.
State housing agency makes $190,000 investment in southeast Texas through homebuyer assistance
AUSTIN, TX - May 10, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) today announced a $190,2651 award to a Houston-based nonprofit housing finance agency assisting eligible residents in eight southeast Texas counties and 11 cities purchasing a home of their own, providing greater stability to area low income families and a shot in the arm to the local economy.TDHCA made the award through its HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program to the Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation (SETHFC), which the organization will use to provide nine households with down payment and closing cost assistance and helping them achieve the American Dream of homeownership.
State housing agency awards $787,000 to preserve, increase homeownership in Center
AUSTIN, TX - May 6, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) today announced two awards totaling $787,000 to the City of Center to help promote and maintain homeownership while providing a shot in the arm to the local economy.TDHCA awarded the city $265,000 in homebuyer assistance funds which it will use to provide down payment and closing cost assistance to help an estimated 10 eligible residents purchase a home of their own.
Texas House passes out Homeowners Association Open Governance Bill – H.B. 2761
AUSTIN, TX - May 5, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- H.B. 2671 by State Representative John V. Garza, of San Antonio, will make Home Owners Associations subject to Open Meetings, Open Records and utilize the State’s Record Retention Policy.
Austin MLS synced to IDX enabled website of broker Jason Crouch creating an easy-to-use...
EUGENE, OR - May 2, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX Broker software has been integrated onto the website of Jason Crouch, making him the latest real estate broker to adopt the innovative IDX, Inc. affiliated technology. Crouch now hosts thousands of detailed property listings on his website, thanks in part to his IDX solution, which extracts raw listing data directly from the Austin MLS (ACTRIS), of which Crouch is a member. IDX Broker syncs the ACTRIS database and the website of Crouch in an effort to make the online real estate search monumentally easier for home seekers around Austin, Texas. Buyers can experience an online property search like none other, thanks to Crouch and IDX Broker.
Dallas area real estate website upgraded to display simple-to-use online IDX property search tools
EUGENE, OR - May 2, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Internet Data Exchanged (IDX) technology has now been integrated onto the website of real estate broker Grant Howell, with his adoption of the IDX, Inc. premier IDX Broker software. Thousands of North Texas Real Estate Information Services (NTREIS) listings are seamlessly extracted from the database and displayed directly on the website Howell hosts. Home seekers can now experience an unprecedented level of freedom and control over the beginning steps of their online real estate search, thanks to the IDX enabled website of Howell.
IDX solution employed by Texas agent Larry Hall brings thousands of area property listings...
EUGENE, OR - April 27, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Larry Hall of Port Aransas Real Estate has adopted an IDX solution for his professional website, syncing thousands of detailed Coastal Bend MLS (CCARMLS) listings online. IDX Broker software makes it so simple for home seekers to scan the CCARMLS listings Hall hosts, by allowing them the same access to these property listings that was once strictly reserved and available for professional agents and brokers. Potential Port Aransas, Texas buyers can now experience a dynamic and innovative online property search, directly on the IDX enabled website Hall supports.
Austin broker utilizes IDX solution to simplify her real estate website and online search...
EUGENE, OR - April 21, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Managing a real estate website just became monumentally easier for Realtors like Laura Duggan, thanks to IDX, Inc. and the dynamic IDX Broker software they have integrated onto her website. In addition to drastically simplifying the behind-the-scenes aspects of the website of Duggan, her IDX solution has transformed the real estate search features she hosts online. Austin, Texas home seekers can quickly scan the Austin MLS (ACTRIS) to find their dream home. The IDX solution Duggan employs has forever changed the online real estate search for her business and her clients.
Crimson Real Estate Fund Acquires Asset In Austin, Texas
April 1, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Crimson Real Estate Fund, L.P., and its co-investment partner, USAA Real Estate Company, have acquired the Aspen Lake office building located in far northwest Austin, Texas from Wells Fargo Bank.
Gov. Perry: Land Ownership is Part of the American Dream and Must Be Protected
Abilene, TX - March 31, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Gov. Rick Perry today was joined by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples, Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Honorary Director Tom Perini and Abilene Mayor Norm Archibald to discuss legislation that would further protect private property owners' rights in Texas. The governor designated protecting private property rights/addressing eminent domain issues as an emergency item for the legislative session.
Scott True and IDX, Inc. make custom online home search available to Austin, Texas...
EUGENE, OR - March 16, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. announces Austin, Texas Realtor Scott True has become the latest real estate professional to adopt a customizable IDX solution. By adding the unique IDX Broker software to his website, True has forever changed the way he does business and communicates with his clients online. As a member of the Austin MLS (ACTRIS), True's IDX-enabled website now extracts raw listing data from ACTRIS and seamlessly integrates it onto his search pages. Thousands of Austin property listings are now easily accessible to home seekers through True's comprehensive online real estate resource.
IDX, Inc. brings advanced online property search to Cowboy Capital Realty in Bandera, Texas
EUGENE, OR - March 15, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and broker Andrea McGilvray have joined forces to sync thousands of San Antonio, Texas properties onto the comprehensive search page McGilvray hosts online. Her newly IDX-enabled website gives potential buyers the unique ability to connect directly to the San Antonio MLS (SABOR) database, giving online home seekers the most up-to-date real estate listings available.
Search capabilities diversified with IDX Broker software on the Dallas realty website of Becky...
EUGENE, OR - March 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to announce the latest real estate professional to adopt the dynamic IDX Broker software: Texas Realtor Becky Frey. Frey's customized IDX solution extracts raw listing data from the North Texas Real Estate Information Systems (NTREIS) and integrates thousands of listings onto Frey's search page displaying Dallas, Texas properties with ease. IDX Broker and the solutions it enables, has revolutionized the property search tools that Frey makes available to her clients online.
IDX, Inc. enables powerful custom search function on Holly Realty website
EUGENE, OR - March 3, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Rodney and Sue Duplechain of Holly Realty in Big Sandy, Texas, have adopted the IDX, Inc. sponsored IDX Broker software. Their website now hosts a dynamic IDX solution which extracts raw listing data from the Tyler MLS (GTARMLS) and seamlessly integrates it onto the website the Duplechains support. By pulling hundreds of listings from GTARMLS database, the Duplechains can give their clients and other Dallas area potential buyers the unique ability to quickly and easily find a property without ever leaving the convenient search page IDX Broker and the Duplechains have created.
Crescent Resources Set To Begin Student Apartment Community
AUSTIN, TX - March 2, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- … Crescent Resources, LLC is bringing its innovative apartment-living concept to college students with the development of Circle West Campus at the intersection of West 25th and Longview Streets by the University of Texas
Access to thousands of Dallas real estate listings made possible by IDX, Inc. on...
EUGENE, OR - February 24, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Dallas area properties just became easier to search for, thanks to the partnership of IDX, Inc. and Broker/Owner Joe Peterson of The Property Shop. North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS) are now fully integrated onto the search page Peterson hosts, giving Texas home seekers an easy-to-use real estate resource to utilize in their online property search. With his custom IDX solution, Peterson now hosts one of the most dynamic and informative real estate websites and searches for Dallas area buyers.
Sterling Real Estate partners with IDX Broker and syncs East Texas property listings with...
EUGENE, OR - February 18, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Tyler, Texas real estate agent Kathy Smith has enabled the remarkable IDX Broker software on her professional website, making her the host of a dynamic and comprehensive real estate search function. The online property search process was once complicated for agents, brokers and home seekers alike. But now, with the IDX solution Smith employs, the online real estate search has never been a simpler, faster or more successful experience. The customized IDX tools Smith supports automatically display thousands of Tyler MLS (BTARMLS) listings, giving her clients and other East Texas home seekers comprehensive database of listings to search, while simultaneously simplifying Smith's job.
Colleyville, Texas, Businessman, Who Owned Metro Buys Homes, Pleads Guilty to Federal Mail Fraud...
DALLAS, TX - February 11, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- David Boles, 52, of Colleyville, Texas, who owned Metro Buy Homes, LLC., pleaded guilty this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Irma C. Ramirez to one count of mail fraud, announced U.S. Attorney James T. Jacks of the Northern District of Texas. Boles faces a maximum statutory sentence of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. In addition, as part of his plea agreement with the government, Boles agrees to pay restitution for losses resulting from all of his criminal conduct and not just limited to losses stemming from his conviction offense. Boles is scheduled to be sentenced by U.S. District Judge Jane J. Boyle on May 26, 2011.
Specialized IDX solution makes finding a Dallas/Fort Worth home incredibly simple on website of...
EUGENE, OR - February 11, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. has enabled IDX Broker software on the real estate website of yet another professional Broker/Realtor, that of Dallas, Texas broker Dorothy Warda. The unique technology her IDX solution employs has revolutionized the way Warda displays properties on her website. As a member of the North Texas Real Estate Info Systems (NTREIS), Warda can sync thousands of properties instantly with her website, giving home seekers the most comprehensive database of detailed listings available. IDX Broker software has forever changed the functionality of the website Warda supports.
AUSTIN, TX - February 9, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- State Representative Eric Johnson (Dallas) has filed three bills to better protect Texans who stand to lose their property through eminent domain.