Dallas/Forth Worth Broker Russell Berry takes customer service to new level with custom IDX...
EUGENE, OR - September 8, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today, Texas real estate broker Russell Berry and IDX, Inc. announce the unveiling of the comprehensive real estate website Berry has synced with an IDX solution. The IDX Broker software he has integrated onto his search page gives Berry and his clients a detailed database of thousands of Dallas/Fort Worth listings seamlessly and instantly. Home seekers can experience an online property search comparable to none, thanks to the IDX-enabled website Berry hosts.
Smarter agents and brokers, like Texan Sherry Perry, adopt IDX Broker software for their...
EUGENE, OR - September 7, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Sherry Perry and IDX, Inc. have joined forces to bring new levels of ease and accessibility to the Bryan/College Station, Texas home search, by enabling an IDX solution that has revolutionized the website of Perry. As a real estate broker, Perry has long had access to thousands of detailed property listings through the Bryan College Station MLS (BCSMLS). Now, her clients can experience and view detailed BCSMLS listings that were once solely reserved for real estate agents and brokers. The IDX synced website of Perry allows potential Texas buyers to explore the BCSMLS on their terms. Perry had made the right decision for her business and her clients by enabling an IDX solution for her website.
Gov. Perry: All Necessary State Resources Made Available to Protect Lives, Property
Austin,, TX - September 6, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Gov. Rick Perry continues to closely monitor the ongoing wildfires with updates from his staff and State Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd. He will return to Texas this afternoon. The governor is urging all Texans to closely monitor conditions and reports, and heed all warnings from local officials as extremely dry and windy conditions are expected to continue fueling wildfires that continue raging across the state.
Realtor Troy Hanna and IDX, Inc. join to streamline real estate searches for Austin,...
EUGENE, OR - September 2, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Realtor Troy Hanna brings advanced functionality to his Austin, Texas real estate website with the addition of IDX Broker software. This unique and innovative Internet Data Exchange (IDX) technology has the ability to extract raw listing data from the Texas MLS, and formats the information onto Hanna's website, to be displayed to potential home buyers as though it is seamlessly integrated. Home seekers in Austin, Texas and surrounding areas will now have access to thousands of the most current property listings and details on the market, and all from the convenience of Troy Hanna's website.
Centex Joins Operation FINALLY HOME to Build Hope and Home for U.S. Air Force...
FORT WORTH, TX - September 1, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Centex joined Operation FINALLY HOME, recently, to announce that retired U.S. Air Force Captain Jason Vest, his wife, son (age 7) and daughter (age 5) will be able to stop dreaming of a new home – they will be able to start living in one as recipients of a house in the Centex community of West Fork Ranch in North Fort Worth, Texas.
Texas foreclosure specialist adopts IDX Broker software to integrate thousands of Austin listings onto...
EUGENE, OR - August 23, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and John Cotten have joined forces to present Austin, Texas property listings and foreclosure services in one convenient and easy-to-use online real estate resource. Cotten has proven himself as a smarter broker by integrating an IDX solution onto his website; syncing his customizable search page to thousands of Austin MLS (ACTRIS) listings.
IDX, Inc. and Jason Mechura of Home Team bring concise online real estate search...
EUGENE, OR - August 15, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and Jason Mechura have joined forces to present Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas property listings in one convenient and easy-to-use online real estate resource on his Home Team website. With his custom IDX solution, Mechra's search pages are now synced with thousands of North Texas Real Estate Information Systems (NTREIS) listings. Never before has such a concise online real estate search been so readily accessible by home seekers. Mechura has forever changed the way potential North Texas buyers search for properties online
Barbara Leverenz brings innovative IDX Broker functionality to her Killeen, Texas real estate website
EUGENE, OR - July 21, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. welcomes realtor Barbara Leverenz to the growing group of real estate agents and brokers adopting a customizable IDX solution for their websites. Leverenz, a member of the Ft. Hood MLS (FHAARMLS) has long had access to thousands of Texas property listings, but with the addition of IDX Broker software to her website, Leverenz has made the same listings that were once classified for real estate professionals only, accessible to all her clients. Never before has such a dynamic and easy-to-use search been available to potential buyers
IDX, Inc. syncs Austin, Texas property listings with website of Realtor Bill Austin
EUGENE, OR - July 20, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today, IDX, Inc. announces Bill Austin has enabled an IDX solution to his real estate website and now hosts a dynamic search function. Austin MLS (ACTRIS) listings are now easily integrated onto the website he hosts, making thousands of Texas property listings accessible for agents, brokers and home seekers alike. The Texas online real estate search will never be the same, thanks to Austin and his IDX-enabled website.
Washington, DC - July 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Congresswoman Johnson announces that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in conjunction with NeighborWorks America has launched the Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program (EHLP) to help homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure in Texas
RE/MAX Realtor Amy Tapp brings IDX Broker technology to Lubbock, Texas home seekers
EUGENE, OR - July 7, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and Realtor Amy Tapp have joined forces to revolutionize the online Lubbock, Texas real estate search. As a member of the Lubbock MLS (LARMLS), Tapp has long had access to thousands of detailed property listings. Now, the same level of accessibility once reserved only for real estate agents and brokers can be experienced by Tapp's real estate clients conveniently on her website.
28th District of Texas, TX - July 6, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program announced assistance for homeowners in Texas who have experienced a substantial loss of income (a reduction of at least 15 percent) due to unemployment, underemployment or a medical condition that has caused people to fall behind on payments.
State housing agency recognizes year’s top lenders, loan officers during Home Ownership Month
AUSTIN, TX - July 1 30, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) used the occasion of June’s national designation as Home Ownership Month to name its “Lenders of the Year” and “Loan Officers of the Year” in recognition of the important role lenders play in helping increase home ownership opportunities for Texans through state-sponsored homebuyer programs.
Attorney General Abbott Charges Roofing Contractor With Deceiving Homeowners
SINTON, TX - June 30, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today charged a residential roofing contractor with deceiving Texas homeowners and unlawfully soliciting roof repairs.
Texas foreclosure specialist adopts IDX Broker software to integrate thousands of Austin listings onto...
EUGENE, OR - June 29, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and John Cotten have joined forces to present Austin, Texas property listings and foreclosure services in one convenient and easy-to-use online real estate resource. Cotten has proven himself as a smarter broker by integrating an IDX solution onto his website; syncing his customizable search page to thousands of Austin MLS (ACTRIS) listings. Never before has such a concise online real estate search page been so easily accessible by home seekers. Cotten has forever changed the way potential Austin buyers search for properties online.
Matthews Southwest Names Kathy Cunningham Vice President at The Tribute Resort Community
THE COLONY, TX - June 15, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Matthews Southwest – one of the region’s most progressive developers – today announces Kathy Cunningham has been named Vice President at The Tribute Resort Community on the shores of Lake Lewisville.
USAA Real Estate Company and Gables Residential Successfully Complete Second Closing in National Venture...
Dallas, TX - June 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- An affiliate of USAA Real Estate Company announced the successful acquisition of a significant interest in two of Gables’ Class A, multi-family and mixed use properties located in Austin and Dallas, Texas
Houston Celebrates National Homeownership Month with a Parade of Affordable Homes
Houston, TX - June 2, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- National Homeownership Month is observed each June to highlight the vital role homeownership plays in improving lives, creating economic opportunities and strengthening America's neighborhoods.
Texas Legislature Passes Homeowners Association Reform – H.B. 2761 (Garza/West)
AUSTIN, TX - May 27, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Texas House of Representatives passed HB 2761 which requires Texas Home Owners Associations to operate openly. Under HB 2761, HOAs may no longer foreclose on an assessment lien if the debt consists solely of fines assessed by the association, attorney's fees incurred by the association solely associated with fines assessed by the association or amounts added to the owner's account for open record requests.
Online property search made easy with the IDX solution hosted by Texas broker Peerly...
EUGENE, OR - May 25, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX Broker software has been enabled on yet another real estate website. This time IDX, Inc. and Texas real estate agent Peerly Butbul have joined forces to create an innovative property search page. As a member of the North Texas Real Estate Information Systems (NTREIS), Butbul has long had access to thousands of detailed home listings. Now, her clients can experience the same levels of accessibility and freedom to search the database, a privilege once reserved only for Dallas-Fort Worth agents and brokers. The convenience and time-saving capabilities of the website of Butbul have forever revolutionized the real estate website she hosts.