
RE/MAX Realtor Amy Tapp brings IDX Broker technology to Lubbock, Texas home seekers

EUGENE, OR - July 7, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and Realtor Amy Tapp have joined forces to revolutionize the online Lubbock, Texas real estate search. As a member of the Lubbock MLS (LARMLS), Tapp has long had access to thousands of detailed property listings. Now, the same level of accessibility once reserved only for real estate agents and brokers can be experienced by Tapp's real estate clients conveniently on her website.


Benefits of Hiring an Accident Attorney

The Benefits of Hiring an Accident Attorney

Road accidents are more common that one might think. Did you know that according to Texas Department of Transportation, 1 crash occurs every 59 seconds in Texas? In the unfortunate situation of a road crash, your injuries are not the only thing you need to worry about.