
HUD Secretary, Dallas State Senator join state housing agency, stakeholders to launch statewide foreclosure...

Task Force leads information campaign to assist Texans facing or experiencing foreclosure AUSTIN, TX - March 17, 2008 - Texas homeowners who may be facing or...

Cornyn Co-Sponsors New Legislation to Provide Housing Relief to Texas Families

WASHINGTON - With home foreclosures rising in many states across the country, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn announced today that he has joined several other...

Help for the home front secured for local veterans through state housing agency

TDHCA providing $250,000 in down payment, home modification assistance to help 16 San Antonio low income veterans of Afghan, Iraq wars AUSTIN -  Life on...

PSMI opening office in Grand Prairie, TX

Jon Traver Opens PSM Office Roswell, NM, 2/04/08 - PrimeSource Mortgage, Inc. (PSMI) continues to open branches Nationwide. PSMI proudly announces the opening of a PrimeSource...

Single family housing to receive $1 million boost from State housing funds

TDHCA to release funds through competitive application process addressing disaster repairs, persons with disabilities, and homeownership AUSTIN, TX - One million dollars in flexible state housing...

Cornyn Supports Proposal For New Tax Credit For Homebuyers

WASHINGTON - January 30, 2008 - U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Budget Committee, today signed on as an original cosponsor...

Customer service expert Joe Garcia to lead state housing agency’s manufactured housing division

AUSTIN, TX - Joe A. Garcia has been appointed Executive Director of the Manufactured Housing Division of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs...

Thousands of Texans to benefit from affordable, government approved mortage plan

HUD Secretary highlights Bush Administration's fight against foreclosure SAN ANTONIO, TX - January 25, 2008 - More than 18,000 Texas families could be eligible for a safer, more affordable government-insured mortgage that is pending approval by the U.S. Congress, U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson announced today.

Behringer Harvard Acquires New, Pre-Certified LEED Office Building in Houston

DALLAS, January 17, 2008 – Behringer Harvard announced today that it has acquired Westway One, a three-story, approximately 143,000-square-foot office property in the Northwest...

Attorney General Abbott Takes Action To Halt Webb County Colonia Development

Lots in D-5 Acres subdivision lacking water, sewage facilities AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has charged the developer of D-5 Acres, a subdivision...

Indictments Handed Down for Mortgage Fraud

AUSTIN – A Dallas Grand Jury indicted five individuals on felony charges for a mortgage fraud scam involving 10 residential properties with a total...

Forest City Acquires 2,500 Lots for Residential Development in San Antonio

Acquisition Includes Sites in Five Premier Subdivisions CLEVELAND, Jan 07, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Forest City Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:FCEA)(NYSE:FCEB) announced today that its Forest City...

TDHCA cutting red tape to speed aid to state’s manufactured home owners in Rita...

AUSTIN, TX - December 31, 2007 - Looking to slash bureaucratic red tape, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs’ (TDHCA) Manufactured Housing division...

Triple Net Properties Sells Brookhollow Park in San Antonio, Texas

Santa Ana, Calif., December 28, 2007 – Chief Investment Officer Jeff Hanson announced today that Triple Net Properties, LLC has sold Brookhollow Park on...

City of Corpus Christi Receives HUD Grants

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 21, 2007 - Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz announced today that the city of Corpus Christi will receive over $1,009,759 in grants from the Housing and Urban Development Department.

King County, Seattle receive homeless assistance award of $20.15 million

A joint release of King County and the City of Seattle SEATTLE, December 21, 2007 - The City of Seattle and King County have been awarded $20,158,397 in federal McKinney Homeless Assistance funds for housing programs and support services for homeless people.

State housing agency to aid rural Texas with influx of homebuyer, rental housing funds

AUSTIN, TX - December 21, 2007 - Help for those hoping to buy a home or who are in need of paying the rent will soon...

Senate Passes Cornyn-Backed Bill to Make Housing More Affordable For Texas Veterans

Provisions in military tax relief package open low-interest home loan program to all Texas veterans WASHINGTON - December 20, 2007 - The U.S. Senate unanimously...

Attorney General Abbott Takes Legal Action Against Foreclosure Rescue Firm’s Unlawful Texas Operations

Clients of Abell Mediation, Inc. urged to call their lenders immediately CORPUS CHRISTI - December 14, 2007 - Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott took legal action Thursday...

Mayor announces $14 million for housing working families and homeless

SEATTLE, TX - December 7, 2007 - Mayor Greg Nickels today announced $14 million for four new housing projects for working families and people who are homeless.


Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof in Sugar Land

Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof in Sugar Land?

If you've noticed water stains, missing shingles, or a leaky ceiling, you might wonder whether repairs will suffice or if a full roof replacement is necessary. This guide will help homeowners in Sugar Land determine